About Nikki


A Big HELLO and welcome to my site! I’m Nikki Silk, a Brisbane based Modern Pointillism Artist, Photographer, Wife and Fur-Baby Mumma to a VERY spoilt 13yr old rescue puppy named “Moo”.

At 46 years of age, I’m what you might call “A Late Bloomer” to the art world. From a very young age, I have always had a passion for Art and Photography, and have been a full time Travelling Photographer for the past 25+ years.

However it really wasn’t until early 2020 (when the “Big C” hit and crippled the world as we knew it) that I really started to explore Acrylic Painting. And once I started – I just fell head over heels IN LOVE with it! During that period of time during covid (where time spent at home was plentiful, and travel was just a distant memory), I found painting to be the cathartic release that I so desperately needed.

Over the years, I have derived my signature style from an adaptation of a technique which emerged in France (my cultural background) called “Pointillism”. This technique was created in the late 1880s by French Artist Georges Seurat, and is best described as small, distinct dots of colour, applied in patterns to create an image.

The inspiration for all of my Artworks comes from my regular Travels to the most beautiful parts of Australia, as well as my adoration of Sunrises and Sunsets, and from amazing Textures that I find in Nature.

I love to use a variety of colour palettes, including muted Pinks, Oranges and Browns and cool palettes of Blues, Greys and Teals to evoke feelings of warmth, calmness and relaxation. And then I love to change it up and use fun, vibrant palettes of Yellows, Purples, Pinks & Greens. I just love the use of colour!

Thank you so much for popping in to check out my Artwork, and if you have any questions at all, or would like to make an appointment to view any of my Artworks, please don’t hesitate to contact me

xoxo Nikki Silk 


Reduce, Reuse & Recycle – Frames, Canvases & Paints…

I have always valued the 3Rs… Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, and I try to incorporate these sustainability values as much as possible, not only into my personal life, but also into my Artworks and business practices.

All Canvases and Frames that I use to create my artworks are all sourced from 2nd Hand Markets, Marketplace, Op Shops and Tip Shops. I’m also VERY lucky to be gifted unwanted and pre-loved frames & canvases from Neighbours, Businesses, Family, Friends and members of my local community.

For paints – I always try to source a wonderful collection of colours from 2nd Hand/Car boot Markets, Marketplace and also from the “whoops, I chose the wrong colour” paint pots in the clearance section at local hardware stores.

I absolutely LOVE that I have the opportunity to reuse items and give life back to a variety of different canvases and frames that may have ended up unnecessarily in landfill. In most cases where items are sourced from my local Op Shops, I’m also able to support some amazing local charities.

Australian Modern Pointillism Artist using Pre-Loved/Recycled Canvases and Frames


